CHANEL S/S 2013 Couture Was About Gothic Look, Column Dresses & Gay Brides

Fashion and Politics gel well. Since French president Francois Hollande is expected to propose a same-sex marriage bill this Friday, Karl Lagerfeld thought it to be apt to show his support for gay marriage.  Karl Lagerfeld sent not one – but two — brides down the runway for the finale of his spring 2013 Chanel Haute […]

French Are Embracing New First Lady Valérie Trierweiler’s Style Over Carla Bruni’s

In France indeed, the time of bling bling may well be over. Carla Bruni’s popularity was plummeting–not only was she nicknamed ‘a wannabe Jackie Kennedy’, but her taste for luxury also received increasingly bitter reactions as her country fell deeper in a recession. No one seemed impressed any more with her Chanel suits and Chaumet jewelry. This […]