‘Woman of Courage’ Awarded to Nirbhaya by Michelle Obama

First lady Michelle Obama, bowed her head in a moment of silence, as Nirbhaya, the courageous 23-year-old victim of a brutal gang rape on a moving bus in Delhi was posthumously honored with the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award at the State Department in Washington. At the State Department presentation ceremony on […]

DISGUSTING! This Is How Godman Imparts ‘Diksha’

Self-proclaimed Godman – Aasaram Bapu has been accused of rape by a minor (15-year-old) girl. The victim reported that she was being raped by Aasaram Bapu while her parents were sitting in the other room. Disgusting! Aasaram Bapu, the self-styled Godman sermonised the nation on how the gangrape victim – Nirbhaya would had avoided it […]