Sari-Gate: Meera Shankar humiliated at Mississippi airport

This could flair up in to yet another issue post the Wikileaks that could weaken Indo-Us ties. Meera Shankar, the Indian Ambassador to the United States was subjected to the agency’s new enhanced pat-down as she went through security at Jackson-Evers International Airport last weekend.

Shankar apparently was selected for enhanced screening, even though she did not set of the airport’s metal detectors. She was singled out because she was wearing a sari. The Jackson airport does not yet have full-body screeners, which meant that the ambassador became subject to the thorough pat-down. Meera Shankar asked for a private screening, but she was led to a clear box where two officers searched her in clear view.

4 Replies to “Sari-Gate: Meera Shankar humiliated at Mississippi airport”

  1. vj says:

    Americans are jerks!! they dont know how to respect the modesty of a woman..

  2. Anthead says:

    To be fair, some American celebrities have complained about being subjected to the pat-down as well. So I think the TSA is pretty equal opportunity in this case.

  3. Priest says:

    We must frisk/press Hilary Clinton sometime and here comes d missiles from 50 directions.

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