Amritrajs’ Big-Fat Wedding In Colombo

Not many would know that former tennis star, Vijay Amritraj is married to a former Miss Sri Lanka – Shyamala. Last weekend Arjun Aloysius (whose Aunt is Shyamala Amritraj) tied the knot with  Anjalie Mahendran, daughter of Arjuna Mahendran, Investment strategist at Credit Suisse and socialite mother Nadine Mahendran in Colombo. The groom – Arjun carries the infamous tag of being a ‘Colombo Playboy’ and is an investor. The Amritrajs were all there – Vijay, Shyamala, Prakash and Vickram.

It seems the days of South Indian demureness are gone and that Sri Lanka is playing hard to catch up with the extravagance of big boys of India. The wedding was partly tacky, partly elegant with the food being the best part of it all. The decor was…well nothing great though flowers worth 3 Million Sri Lankan Rupees were imported. The Sri Lankan groom looked utterly confused in a flashy Rohit Bal sherwani. The Bride wore a $10,000 Vera Wang dress for the Christian wedding to honour the groom’s heritage.  Aunties were rife with whispers on how the wedding was a bit confused, planned by Delhi’s very own Vandana MohanThe Groom – Arjun and his friends donned typical ‘Punjabi ishtyle’ outfits while the bride – Anjalie wore a traditional South Indian sari. It was a strange sight!  The worst was the religious wedding ceremony in the morning. Instead of chants and hymns Katy Perry and Adele songs blared and champagne was served instead of Prasadam.

The big-fat Sri Lankan wedding had its fair share of tamashaas too.  The whole wedding was eclipsed by talks on how the bride’s mother, Nadine Mahendran’s twin sister was not invited and the groom – Arjun getting into a fight in the wee hours after one of the wedding functions and in the process fractured his own armVijay Amritraj was seen making the rounds and speaking about his new CNN-IBN show where he focuses only on A-list international celebrities.


13 Replies to “Amritrajs’ Big-Fat Wedding In Colombo”

  1. twiggy says:

    i was at the event and it was beautiful, Every detail was taken care of. Who cares if some sister is uninvited. All families, have a black sheep, which she probably is.
    We had a gr8 time.

  2. sticks&stones says:

    Give me a break, the decision not to invite the twin sister has backfired. The poor bride is caught between a psycho mother and a philander husband. The whole of Colombo is talking about the beligerent and screwed up tape recording of Nadine, a meth addict!! If this blog can play or include a linke to the recording, the story will be straight. The Mahendrans are a bunch of losers. Glad that girl has a chance with that coolie Arjun!

  3. twiggy says:

    Sticks & stones aka satish & Anjhula get a life

  4. simple says:

    Which ROYAL family does your paternal side come. The Fort/Pettah luggage carriers, aka coolies. Only your Mother had some class, tht was only until she married that coolie husband, who kept her in a prison, while now he takes his mistress out and about, she too a coolie, her father was a philander and a rogue.

  5. Anon says:

    Which royal family is this? They have maharaja in Sri Lanka?

  6. DC Planning says:

    I read this wedding post and saw that Vandana Mohan had planned the wedding. No offense but as someone in the wedding planning industry, its very sad that people with tons of money but no taste hire her because of her “celeb” cache. What you really get is someone who overcharges 10x the amount and your wedding looks gauche and tacky, or at the very least an ordinary wedding not befit of the lakhs dropped. The boys in this photo are handsome but why dress up in a way that is not one’s culture? A chinese person would not wear a kimono right? Sri Lanka has a beautiful culture and I would have used that if I were planning the wedding. Mohan takes the cash, dashes and even complains about the own wedding she plans and the people in it even though weddings are naturally a stressful time. At the end of the day, its those people that hire Vandana in the hopes of having looked like “they arrived” but in reality, they never left! Every wedding she seems to do ends in divorce also…chatwal/sachdev, katyperry/russelbrand etc

  7. Sri Lanka says:

    I don’t know about Coolies and Royals but agree HS is not a good roll model. Roams about doing whatever and daughter follows suit, both are happy with long distance relationships in the pursuit of money! At least they are not corrupt, NM will look the other way as her son in law is banned from the Sri Lankan Stock exchange. For all the times you have bludgeoned our children, you go crazy over a blog when your son in law beats someone up at his own wedding! You’re go around town talking ill about all your family members but that black sheep, our friend at least has the decency to not post the tape of you trying to take the Middle East down. Poor Angus, what must her in laws think of your crazy tactics before, during and after the wedding? Interesting that you suck up to Ranil, have Kurthu taking photos at the wedding making all uncomfortable while claiming “you don’t want media” but as long as media is good you’re happy, when it’s opininated, you start ranting?

  8. You Lot Are Jealous says:

    My goodness, what vicious comments, its disgusting. Have you thought how the bride and groom would feel if they saw what you have written? Show some empathy.

    ” The Mahendrans are a bunch of losers” – hmm, well the dad is a former ambassador, including to the UN, the son is an Oxford graduate, former head of the BOI, and appears on TV for his thoughts all the time. His sister was at Harvard, used to work at Morgans Stanley. The bride was at Oxford, and the son is at Durham, all working hard, and trying to make a difference. If the mother has an addiction, that is not something to make fun of, how nasty is that?”

    “coolie Arjun” – a very generous guy, who is very successful. So what of his Tamil Nadu class. He is one of the most successful people in Sri Lanka, and his family were so welcoming.

    If you can’t think of something nice to say, say nothing.

    You lot are an embarrassment, I am not someone to be messed with, watch your backs.

  9. Twit says:

    Shobana get yourself together.
    Look at your sad life, having to bang old men as long as they had the cash to give you at your whim.
    Your homosexual Husband & ‘wonderful children’, are all find with your lifestyle as they live off it.
    How one now you’ve become a PNG?!

  10. Twit says:

    D c planning.
    vandana Mohan & her team are ‘SIMPLY THE BEST’.
    No argument necessary on that.
    All of you, are small fish with no clientele to talk about, why be so disgruntled because you were not even considered.
    No one but Vandana & her team were even talked to.
    Reserve your comments for the the losers .

  11. Nupur S says:

    Twiggy reference your comment- “Sticks & stones …….get a life”. Didn’t understood what you meant?

  12. Pucci says:


  13. K Cader says:

    This is Arjun Aloysius family is a Alibaba Ali Hora (conman) and brought entire Sri Lankas’s economy down. Sorry for your family as this the permanent black mark in your family future and history!

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