Jordi Constans Succeeds Yves Carcelle as Louis Vuitton’s CEO

Louis Vuitton has a new CEO. Jordi Constans has, as of Monday, taken the reigns from the label’s CEO of 22 years, Yves Carcelle. Back in September of 2011, Louis Vuitton announced that Yves Carcelle would be stepping down at the end of 2012 and that Constans had been brought on to succeed him after a year spent familiarizing himself with the brand.

The international growth Louis Vuitton has seen under Carcelle is undeniable, meaning Constans will have some big shoes to fill.  Carcelle was also very fond of India so we got to see if LV in India gets that same importance under Constans. A Spanish native, Constans was executive Vice President of French food giant Danone’s fresh dairy products division.  And it’s probably a good thing he’s spent a year with the luxury goods brand before officially taking the reigns since his background is in yogurt.

Yves Carcelle will become vice chairman of the forthcoming Fondation Louis Vuitton (Foundation Louis Vuitton), a Frank Gehry-designed art museum set to open in Paris next year. He’ll also continue to sit on the executive committee and undertake “strategic missions” alongside Bernard Arnault, according to WWD.


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