Who Let The Leopards Out?

I never saw so many leopards prowling in Delhi as I saw them last night. Well the ladies let their ‘animal instinct’ loose at the red-carpet affair hosted for designer Roberto Cavalli. Leopard Print gowns were omnipresent though few opted for Cavalli’s Zebra Prints too.

Shalini and Sanjay Passi’s bash on Friday night for Cavalli had many whimpers claiming it to be ‘not happening’. The after-party on Saturday night at the Blue Bar was too crowded and B-Town faces put -up their snooty behaviour like anything.

Anyway enjoy the Desi Kudis in Cavalli fashion!

3 Replies to “Who Let The Leopards Out?”

  1. Delhi cat says:

    The actresses look blah, what’s up with Sushmita’s big hair? Only Jacquelin looks good.

  2. ritzi says:

    Sabah Ali khan: Pantyhose seriously???

  3. shauna says:

    Whats with ramona’s way of standing?? Odd and hideous dress.

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