Let Me Blow My Own Trumpet :)

imagesFolks bear with me for blowing my own trumpet!

Yesterday The Huffington Post carried an article on Elizabeth Taylor’s style evolution in Huff Post Style section:

r-ELIZABETH-TAYLOR-large570Elizabeth Taylor Style Evolution: From Gorgeous Child Actress To Silver Screen Legend. 

Here is the link to the article:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/26/elizabeth-taylor-style-evolution_n_2769447.html

What I am thrilled about is that Huff Post has mentioned a post I put on in June 2011‘The Seven Year Itch’. Huff Post has linked post in their story. Here is the excerpt from Huff Post’s story – Her reinvention reached its pinnacle in her role as Maggie in 1958’s “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.” (Why the image of Taylor, clad in a silk nightgown and resting on her bed, isn’t as iconic as Marilyn Monroe’s “The Seven Year Itch” white dress scene is almost criminal.)

Here is the link to my post: http://wp.me/p1C8a1-xd

I am grateful to The Huffington Post for giving due credit to FS. Something that Indian media has often deprived me of…





3 Replies to “Let Me Blow My Own Trumpet :)”

  1. Akshaya says:

    Awesome!! Keep it up..

  2. God_ShaReeF says:

    Ma Heart says Balle Balle for you 🙂

  3. 5hruth1 says:

    Wow!! Congratulations!!!

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