Video of Gruesome ATM Attack In Bengaluru

untitledThis CCTV footage of a most heinous attack on Jyothi at Corporation Bank’s ATM sends a chill down your spine. You can see the entire incident here:

At 7am on 19th November Jyothi walks into Corporation Bank’s ATM, which is 50 feet away from a police station. Jyothi incidentally works with Corporation Bank and she wanted to withdraw cash for her daughter’s birthday. Moments later a man enters the ATM booth and pulls down the shutter. He threatens Jyothi with a gun and later strikes her on the head with a machete. The man without even batting his eyelid, wipes the blood off the machete and his trousers and walks off. It is almost 48 hours and that dangerous criminal hasn’t been grabbed yet by Bengaluru police.

State government is passing the buck onto the bank who are suppose to man the ATM booths with security man and the bank has no answers. There are 600 ATMs in the country with no security gurads. What has this country come to??? Please folks if you see this man who has almost paralysed Jyothi with his machete blow, call the cops.


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