
These ‘Guthka Bahus’ are Designers’ Delight

The gloomy economic scenario has affected the high-fashion designer-wear retail business of India, too. Be it the international brands or Indian designer labels, sales are slow. But hey if you have the patronage of Delhi’s two high networth ‘Guthka Bahus’ – Prerna Subba Gupta, the wife of Guthka baron, Om Gupta of Raja Khaini and […]


BEWARE, Taxmen Are Tracking Your Instagram & FB Accounts

Taxmen are snooping the social media – Facebook and Instagram to extract  information on high net worth individual (HNI) taxpayers on their latest acquisition of luxury cars, expensive jewelleries, luxury items and exotic vacations. Times of India reported this on their 22nd May edition of the newspaper: TOI: Not just pals, taxmen also tracking FB […]


Prerna ‘Gupta’ Is Undoubtedly ‘The Most Obsessive Brand Slut’

  Did the ‘Obsessive Brand Slut’, Prerna Subba tie the knot with the guthka guy, Om Gupta??? Well that’s what it seems from this picture on Prerna’s Instagram where the Aman-I-Khas resort at Ranthambore address Prerna and Om Gupta as “Dear Sahiba & Sahib Gupta”. Well if it’s true than must wish them best and […]


Luxe-Labels & ‘Goldiggas’ Happy with Govt.’s Soft Stance on Anti-Tobacco

You must be wondering what the Tobacco Industry has got to do with the luxury brands and ‘Gold-Diggers’. All the money that the Guthka and Beedi Barons rake-in sustain high-flying lifestyle of gold-digger girlfriends and support the existence of many luxury brands in India. DS Group of Rajnigandha fame has the license for Tom Ford […]