Prerna ‘Gupta’ Is Undoubtedly ‘The Most Obsessive Brand Slut’


subba_gupta2subba_gupta2 copyDid the ‘Obsessive Brand Slut’, Prerna Subba tie the knot with the guthka guy, Om Gupta??? Well that’s what it seems from this picture on Prerna’s Instagram where the Aman-I-Khas resort at Ranthambore address Prerna and Om Gupta as “Dear Sahiba & Sahib Gupta”. Well if it’s true than must wish them best and ‘Om Shanti Om’!

Brand_Slut1Please don’t take offense to the word ‘slut’ here as ‘Brand Slut’ is a term used in marketing parlance to define a category of consumer. As per Urban Dictionary “The 18 to 40 Logo-mania crowd who flit from one brand to the next with no sense of fidelity to any of them are disloyal brand sluts. They hop and whore around the place, trying the new heels or that new ‘It Bag’ or  the most expensive pair of shades that can be bought.” 

brand_slut2From overt consumerism emerged a new retail animal in the ‘80s and ‘90s: the logo queen. She was obsessed only with polo ponies and interlocked C’s. She was loyal to her logos. Today, that creature has morphed into something that goes by the unflattering name “brand slut” (the nicer term is “brand promiscuous”)! And who else but Prerna Subba takes the trophy for being the Brand Slut numero uno.

Subba posts her latest buys on Instagram and throws brand names acquired with obscene amount of wealth courtesy her beau, a rich Gutka king’s deep pockets. Imagine posting a photograph where the frame focuses on LV suitcases and Prerna Subba and her friend on the backdrop at an airport. What a life!!!

9 Replies to “Prerna ‘Gupta’ Is Undoubtedly ‘The Most Obsessive Brand Slut’”

  1. jia says:

    i saw her insatgram since your last post she likes to showoff so much found out from ur story last time she has a bf whose money she is spending first of all i dont like people showing off expensive stuff in insatgram plus tagging their purchase but and of course she dint work hard for all those someone else is paying off .

  2. Colossial says:

    Jack people are literally now brand sluts she is not alone.Everybody likes too show. From Iphones 6 to Sephora make-up to Jimmy choos. People are showing how much we have. This is so stupid.

  3. SG says:

    Hey Jack.. Is Prerna Subba south Indian? Her instagram username has been changed….

  4. jack says:

    She’s got Southie dad and her mom is from Darjeeling.
    Instagram is still the same: _gemnigirl_18

  5. jia says:

    jack just saw her insatgram not stalking but i like to look up people insatgram she have written it drives people crazy seeing someone having a good life seriously there are people who care less like me i am a girl left home when i was teenager work hard i dont depend on man or someone else pay my own bill thats why i comment last time people like her are like what can i say its not my business but i hate the most someone paying yours bill all you do is go shopping and put up in a social media to show up look what i have got its a big turn off for me.

  6. crasless says:

    money can buy you labels and trends but sadly not style or taste, yawn, next please. #parishilton syndrome at least she was entertaining on a no brainer weekend.

  7. hellodelhi says:

    Hi, love your website. I don’t know about her though, does she even have a job? I would say shopping is her job but ironically one of her posts told us that she uses a personal shopper.

  8. jack says:

    When you have a filthy rich boyfriend, guthka baron -Om Gupta, you can have Personal Shopper and other trappings of a typical gold-digga!

  9. Anon says:

    I don’t understand how she and her boyfriend are endlessly shopping and going on holidays? Does he even work? Most people that work so hard, hardly get free time. They seem to have a life that even celebrities will be envious off. And now they are selling their used luxury goods!

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