New Sugar Daddy’s Sugar Crying Foul

I recently posted about a new Desi Sugar-Daddy – Raja Dhody and his wannabe playmate Rupika Chopra. Evidently the Punjabi Kudi – Rupika Chopra has gone aggro and denying any truth about my post. But then at fashionscandal only hard truths are published and all stories are posted only after thoroughly verifying facts. Miss Chopra may […]

A New Sugar-Daddy

There is an addition to the infamous list of Desi Sugar-Daddies. This Sugar-Daddy is from Mumbai and is a globe-trotter and is twice divorced. I am talking about Raja Dhody. After his daughter’s marriage, Raja  hardly stays in Mumbai. He is globe-totting with his pal – Vijay Mallya. Raja is seeing this wannabe from Chandigarh […]