A New Sugar-Daddy

Raja Dhody_Sugar DaddyRupika-ChopraThere is an addition to the infamous list of Desi Sugar-Daddies. This Sugar-Daddy is from Mumbai and is a globe-trotter and is twice divorced. I am talking about Raja Dhody. After his daughter’s marriage, Raja  hardly stays in Mumbai. He is globe-totting with his pal – Vijay Mallya. Raja is seeing this wannabe from Chandigarh called Rupika Chopra. This 29-year-old is a veteran gold-digger. Before latching on to Raja, she was having an affair with a former tennis player. Then she moved on to another Delhi money-bag who runs a finance company. In fact Rupika was an employee in the finance company. Eventually she met Raja Dhody through common friends and discovered him to be her best-catch till now.

Rupika ChopraWho is Rupika? Well nothing much to write about her besides the fact that she mastered the art of ‘climbing ladders‘ and is a pro in ‘pussy-management’. She originally hails from Chandigarh and pleaded with her girlfriends to let her stay with them in Delhi. Rupika also participated in a random beauty pageant where she couldn’t even make it to top-20 even after ‘couching’ with the organizers.

However Rupika is now enjoying high-life with Raja Dhody who is spending most of his time in London. Courtesy Raja, she is staying at expensive Vijay-Mallya-Raja-Dhodyhotels like Grosvenor, Dorchester and Four Seasons and sipping Cristal. But that hasn’t stopped this Punjabi-Kudi from bitching about her Sugar-Daddy. She boasts to her friends that Raja is very possessive about her and has hired a detective agency to keep track of her movements. Rupika also claims that Raja wants to tie-the-knot. Ha-ha-ha!

Raja Dhody had two bad-marriages but then I feel bad at what he got stuck with. This gold-digger is not worth it!

2 Replies to “A New Sugar-Daddy”

  1. Rahul says:

    Epic article…Very nice. Really wish to see more of articles like this. I hope it serves as an eye openers for others with new found wealth and also those who are aspiring for it.

  2. Yogi B says:

    ha ha …feel sorry and pity for both. soon old age takes over..and then what. Every collectors things all is his, death clears all doubts. Even hand are opened.

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