Milla Jovovich Flashes Her Butt

Former model who entered Hollywood with a bang with “Fifth Element”, Milla Jovovich flashes her butt while shooting fot Avon commercial in New York City yesterday.

The Resident Evil star, Milla leaps in to a man’s arm in the commercial and as he swung her, the dress spun and revealed her white thong underneath. What is surprising is the ‘Price Tag’ that’s visible too along with the thong. Aren’t you suppose to take off the price tag and then wear the dress or the thong? Or is it that the wardrobe manager for the Avon commercial borrowed the dress and the underwear and asked Milla Jovovich not to take off the tag??? Gawd…don’t tell me even thongs are borrowed for film-shoots and photoshoots!


3 Replies to “Milla Jovovich Flashes Her Butt”

  1. dude says:’s the tag for the skirt..not the thong buddy! get it right at least!

  2. jack says:

    Dude u too get it right. I may be wrong but I clearly posted that the price tag maybe of the dress or the thong. Didn’t specify that it is of the thong.
    And by the way it is a dress!!!

  3. Jim says:

    I think it is attached to the dress.
    And I think it’s the price tag. If you start from the dress side, and come along till the end, you’ll see that the tag faces earth, i.e., it’s parallel to the road. No?

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