Blast from the Past: Did Prince Harry Party With A Coke Dealer & Hookers in SIN CITY?

I really have to wonder if all of the speculation about Prince Harry’s “gigantic” scandal-to-come is just coming from my list of possible scandals. Not only did Radar report that Harry might have been in the room while cocaine was going around in his Las Vegas suite, now Radar claims that an actual coke dealer was probably partying in the suite too. And hookers were there too. Dude knows how to party, I’ll say that for him.

“Hookers and a known cocaine dealer were in Prince Harry’s Las Vegas hotel room during his now infamous naked romp, is exclusively reporting. This new bombshell brings the Royal family scandal to a new level amid Radar’s report that the Prince’s wild night was caught on tape and piggyback’s the eyewitness account of party-goers doing drugs in Harry’s Wynn Hotel & Casino suite.

“A really good friend of mine is a cocaine dealer and texted me from the hotel room while the party was happening and said, ‘Guess where I am?!?’” a source exclusively told “Turns out he was in the Wynn suite with Harry, his pals and all those girls. Some people were snorting cocaine… Some were already rolling on shrooms (hallucinogenic mushrooms) when they arrived at the party, and some were just high on weed. And that’s exactly why no one there has come forward on the record…they don’t want to be implicated for any illegal activities.” has confirmed that at least one of the women partying in Harry’s suite has been known to prostitute and accept money and gifts for sexual favors.

“My friend won’t give up any of the details about what happened in that hotel suite, including whether or not Harry was doing coke, but he was definitely there,” the source concluded.

Vegas seems to encourage that kind of thing as part of their “big-spender packages” – a prince (like Harry) would get a nice suite, a private club cabana, and of course the hotel would send over some “complimentary girls” for his enjoyment.

1 Reply to “Blast from the Past: Did Prince Harry Party With A Coke Dealer & Hookers in SIN CITY?”

  1. veena malik says:

    prince oH!! prince

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