Keith Vaz aka ‘Vazeline’ Stuck In Sex Scandal

Keith Vaz in his 29 years as a Labour MP has been mired in unprecedented number of scandals, financial allegations, sleaze investigations and conduct complaints. But now since Sunday Mirror exposed his sexual encounter with male escorts, Mr Vaseline  (Nickname of Vaz) will be manage to yet again slip away.  Here is the link to the Sunday Mirror […]

Blast from the Past: Did Prince Harry Party With A Coke Dealer & Hookers in SIN CITY?

I really have to wonder if all of the speculation about Prince Harry’s “gigantic” scandal-to-come is just coming from my list of possible scandals. Not only did Radar report that Harry might have been in the room while cocaine was going around in his Las Vegas suite, now Radar claims that an actual coke dealer […]

IPL Nights is all about Sex & Drugs

DISCLAIMER: Readers, the photographs in the blogs are mostly for representation purpose and the content shouldn't be associated with people in the photographs. We at Fashionscandal regret the agony caused to the two ladies whose images were posted here earlier inadvertently only for 'representation purpose'. We do state that the two lovely ladies were not at the IPL parties and have nothing to do with the content of this blog.