Coming Soon: Spoiled Brats of Rich Parents

spoiled bratsspoilt bratWe are compiling a list of Bigde AuladSpoiled Brats of Loaded Parents!

Help us with your opinion and information of these Spoilt Brats who are the epitome of so-called ‘Losers’! They who have achieved nothing and done nothing but throw money, womanise, do drugs and pick fights just because their Mummy-Daddy are rich or in places of power.

9 Replies to “Coming Soon: Spoiled Brats of Rich Parents”

  1. arun says:

    hey cant u guys load only one month stuuf on ur home page….as such u are on a low bandwith server and hence it takes ages to load ur page

    u cna load particular month and remaining have a calender on the side …click on that and the month gossips load

  2. Leha says:

    Adhayan Suman, shekhar suman’s son. Both father and son are so irritating and everytime Adhayan gives an interview he is so self absorbed.

  3. jack says:

    arun, will consider your suggestion.

  4. jon says:

    I agree, adhyaan suman , is so self absrobed.
    i am his neighbour,

    every friday nite and saturday nite, I see him coming in building with new HOT girls !!

    how does he do it !! ??

  5. Lovely says:

    While I look forward to this post, can I also request a separate post acknowledging those who’ve made it on their own steam too?? Whilst we should name and shame these losers, lets also give credit to the underdog where credits due!

  6. Anu says:

    Akaash Crashup Ambani.

    Akaash Not-fess-up Ambani

  7. sangita says:

    Jack pls dont forget 2 add ARMAAN KOHLI in the list 😉

  8. Colosial says:

    Add Siddharth Mallaya to the list for being only a page 3 rich brat and nothing else.

  9. Tina says:

    Tanisha Mukherjee and that too on top of the list please.

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