Celebs Bare All To Protest Against Instagram’s ‘No Nude’ Policy



The popular social media site – Instagram that blocked Rihanna when she posted a picture of her baring her breasts on the cover of Lui magazine and Grace Coddington for posting her nude sketch has ruffled some highly placed women.

Scout Willis_FreeThe Nipple

Scout Willis_FreeThe Nipple


Caitlin Stasey

Scout Willis, daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore started a campaign – FreeTheNipple and took off her top on the streets of New York City while shopping for flowers. Scout in fact posted her bare breast pictures on TwitterFreeTheNipple online campaign is dedicated to women empowering their rights to be topless by showing off topless.


FreeThe Nipple

FreeThe Nipple


Scout_Twitter Post

Scout_Twitter Post

Following Scout Willis now Aussie TV actress Caitlin Stasey has her own social media topless candid to share.Hmm, I’m not exactly sure what position to take on these celebrities protesting nipple censorship rules on Facebook and Instagram and posting topless pictures of themselves to Twitter. It’s a close call, but I SUPPORT!




6 Replies to “Celebs Bare All To Protest Against Instagram’s ‘No Nude’ Policy”

  1. Lovely says:

    Pure tacky. Not nipple newsworthy LOLz.

  2. buttercup says:

    Nope.. Not working how can being topless help woman empowerment??

  3. Hmmmm... says:

    The issue isn’t nakedness. The issue is ‘who has control over what women are free and not free to show?’ (not referring to genitalia here). Is it the mullahs that insist that nothing be shown, hindutvawadis who protest immoral fashion shows, Christian fundamentalists like Mormons and Orthodox Jews who cover up their women in medieval clothing? The latest regulators are social media, even if more often than not, they mean well.

    This kind of protest is not new. Bra burning, and slut walk had a similar thought process behind them. Closer home, women in Mizoram stripped down completely as a protest against a brutal rape (as of yet, the report has not been publicly provided) by armed forces. In the latter’s context it was used as a shaming tactic towards the perpetuators. Read http://archive.tehelka.com/story_main19.asp?filename=Ne090206the_siege.asp

  4. SG says:

    Hey… this is unrelated.. But is Vanisha Mittal & Amit Bhatia divorced??

  5. Melody says:

    Celebs getting naked on the pretext of women empowerment is nothing but a publicity stunt/attempt to increase followers. Society mind-set cannot be changed with nipple display on Twitter/Facebook – in fact, it will only increase the number of men users on these sites. I’m in favour of Twitter banning nudity as there will not be much difference between social media and porn sites…

  6. God_Shareef says:

    Aye aye aye
    Why so serious
    Mazaa lelo Baba

    We hide it, you rape.
    We show, you START preaching.
    O hello.
    Have a break. Go with flow. Go with fun.
    Please don’t be mouthful of SERIOUS gum.

    Aye boys,
    Apni bhejun kya???
    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Aapki God Shareef,
    Jo kambakhat itti bhi SHAREEF nahi.
    🙂 🙂 🙂
    Kya aapke andar ki God, Shareef hai???

    i miss one thing on fashScan in the times of whatsApp- instant transfer of pics and videos.
    Here we can not attach anything or else i would have flooded it with few privates of so called hypo privates of page3 world.
    Dhyaan dene ka Baba.

    I have got lots of latest QueenNnie & Farhad’s and her single gay son of Raja Ghondy.

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