High-Street Labels Keep On Copying From Top Fashion Labels

Christian-Lacroix-and-Urban-OutfittersThe High-Street labels are notorious for copying styles from the collections of top global fashion designers and yet nothing has been done to stop this practice. Forever 21 is one such label that has dozen of legal cases but that hasn’t deterred the Korean sisters who own this brand. High-Street labels in fact copy styles of top designers showcased at the fashion shows and use their large factories to churn out copied styles and flood the market.

Christian Lacroix_Vogue 1988Urban Outfitters 2014One such blatant copying act was recently indulged in by Urban Outfitters. In 1988 Christian Lacroix, designed a black jacket encrusted with a bejeweled Byzantine cross.and Vogue commissioned Peter Lindbergh to shoot it for the cover. Incidentally this was Anna Wintour’s debut issue as the Editrix of Vogue, America.

Now 26 years later Urban Outfitter simply copied it and used it for their “Beach Riot Delano” swimsuit.. I detest such disgraceful act on Urban Outfitters part!


5 Replies to “High-Street Labels Keep On Copying From Top Fashion Labels”

  1. Armaan says:

    u might find this art of blatant copying shameful, u might detest it etc etc. What about the fact that 90 percent of the population cannot afford the high price tag that comes with the garments of these top fashion designers.
    before you go on and diss brands like forever21 or urban outfitters, realize that these brands make such products only because there is a demand and a want for it. Why would they make something when the consumer wont buy it???

    its a two way street. Dont blame the provider for minting money out of someones needs. Its Marketing Management 101.

  2. God_Shareef says:

    My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general.
    If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’
    Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.

    Pablo Picasso

    Viola Armaan Viola!!!
    Very apt thought.

    Art of Copying.

  3. Armaan says:

    Thank you God_Shareef 🙂

  4. etios says:

    Arey God_shareef, do you have any clue about this goss:

    ” An industrialist and his son spent 3 days with a prominent actress at a Goa farmhouse and she was paid 15 crores for this pleasure work”

    The duo is easily guessed but who is this actress who got 15 extra crores in the kitty? 🙂

  5. God_Shareef says:

    I am really really clueLess zombie on this.
    But assure you that 15 crores stature fits only to PiggyChhupa, nowadays…
    But then who would invest so much in this old lass unless there have been “groupies” sort of…
    Chhee chhee

    Haaye O rabba
    🙂 🙂 🙂
    Taashu ki kasam.
    20, 000.00 per shot mein to monkey Pandey bhi aa jaata hai.
    Hain na meri Taashu.
    Eros Nehru Place ki kasam.

    Aapki chanchal cheenti
    Meethi meethi
    God Shareef
    Kya aapke andar ki God, Shareef hai???

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Jai ho Maala Mullyaaz Mulgi!!!

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