It’s Too Late To Get ‘Juicy’

juicy-couture-tracksuitsjuicy-ashSome years ago, it was almost impossible to avoid gaggles of aunties and their teen daughters in matching velvet zip-up hoodies and slightly too-tight jogging bottoms with ‘Juicy’ inscribed in rhinestone on the derriere on aircrafts. I am talking about the once-famous travel wear – Juicy Couture founded by Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash-Taylor in 1997. Celebs loved these pink velour tracksuits and ‘Juicy Couture’ overnight was a brand to have.

shilpa_juicykim-Jlo-juicyIndian celebs took to ‘Juicy’ with a vengeance and wore it whenever they travelled. Reliance Brands recently opened the first Juicy Couture store at Gurgaon’s Ambience Mall. Liz Claiborne bought over the brand from Pamela and Gela. The brand is reinventing itself by diversifying into ‘couture nouveau’ and has got into perfumes, accessories and clothes. But the hay-days of pink velour tracksuits – Juicy Couture is frankly over.

pamela_gela_JCAnd what’s worse, today you get cheap knock-offs of Juicy Couture in Lajpat Nagar, Sarojni Nagar and all over. Years back I used to spot ‘Juicy’ on the sagging bums of ladies traveling international in first class or business class. Now I see them on all-kinda bums in Shatabdi and Rajdhani Express!

4 Replies to “It’s Too Late To Get ‘Juicy’”

  1. Shivani says:

    Yup, and it is seriously poorly managed. I went in just to browse through, even though the sweatpants are what the has been wannabe MILF’s are wearing in NA, but I do find cute tops here and there, so I thought why not? The sales woman just leeched on me and gave me ridiculously huge dresses to try. I usually wear a small and she was selling me a large because that’s all they had in stock(yes, that happened) and she was ridiculously creepy touching my chest and everything. Not stepping in ever again. Beware ladies, it is a horrible shopping experience even if you keep aside the fact that it is ridiculously overpriced in India. Juicy is over in NA.

  2. Anthead says:

    I’m confused – I thought Juicy had folded operations (or gone bankrupt – whatevs). Did they sell the license to some Indian entity?

  3. jack says:

    No the girls sold the brand to Liz Claiborne and made mega bucks. Reliance Brands have taken the license for Juicy Couture for India.

  4. hellodelhi says:

    Haha, worse is when the “juicy” fails to cover all of their juice! 😉

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