Samir Thapar left India and now JCT Football Team Shuts Down was the FIRST to report in November 2010 about Samir Thapar of JCT and few other Thapar Companies selling off everything and leaving India for good. You can read the older post in the Archives or here –…his-properties/  JCT, the Thapar Company owned a prestigious football team in India. The team had great players […]

Has Priya Sachdev got a new man in her life?

Though Priya Sachdev Chatwal maintains her married status with Vikram Chatwal, hardlt anybody believes her. She has been linked with Sunjay Kapur, which fired the buzz about Sunjay – Karishma divorce and also with certain Mr. ‘G’. Surprising that Priya Sachdev always makes to the list of ‘Eligible dames’ even when she claims to be […]