As I’ve been thinking ever since Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries reached their three-week anniversary, this marriage is doomed. They are already living separate lives. Kim Kardashian has a pre-nup, and she’s prepared to use it. Star Mag says that she’s already visited a divorce lawyerKim is too busy with her shoots and filming and has no time for Kris Humphries who is sitting idle because of NBA Lockout.  After the wedding, Kim started filming “Kourtney & Kim Take New York” right away and they haven’t even been home yet. The couple have an army of people around them all the time. Most newlyweds would struggle with that.
Here are some highlights from this week’s tabloids:

*When Kim arrived in NYC from Dubai, Kris Humphries didn’t meet her at the airport. Or at home. He was out clubbing and partying. Some random club girl gave him a lapdance and then Tweeted: “Just danced in Kris Humphries lap… SORRY KIM. Best night of my life.”

*Kris doesn’t show up for Kim. “He’s breaking Kim’s heart,” a source tells Star. “Originally he was supposed to come to New York for a guys’ weekend, but at the last minute he switched it to Miami. I guess he thought that way they could drink and do whatever they wanted without Kim finding out.”

*Kris has been seen “holding hands” with a blonde chick. He’s been “acting like a single man,” says Star Mag, and he takes other girls’ cell phone numbers “all the time.”

*Life & Style says that when Kris went to Toronto in September, “he attempted to hang out with his long-time ex-girlfriend Bianka Kamber and had his buddies text her to meet them at a sushi restaurant.”

For me, I would Love to watch on E! “A Very Special Kardashian Divorce”!



  1. Whatever one says about the Kardashians, their show is addictive. To see Kim cry on cam about her short lived married life is pretty much expected, just as she regrets each time she does a risqué photo shoot and cries after that. More tears of glory…………….not!

  2. Good work once again. I am looking forward for more updates.

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