I wonder why Cheap Deodorant Brands and Cheap Mobile Phones resort to utterly senseless, sexist and distasteful advertisement to peddle their products. There are dozens of Deodorant Commercials on Television that show that women and angels drop from the sky  and lust for you if you spray on the said deodorant. Damn it! Is it deodorant they are selling or a can of phermones???

Micromax – a cheap mobile phone brand that follows Apple’s footsteps and come out with poor copies is peddling their new model – A50 Ninja–which comes with an Artificial Intelligence Speech Handset Assistant, “AISHA”. The TV Spot shows ‘AISHA’ as a real woman who is nothing but your sex slave who under your command is willing to try out new sexual positions, has no problems if you are laying other women and is fine being your sex slave and even willing to take the trouble of finding you a ‘homely’ girl to marry. Here is the Commercial for you to have a look: http://youtu.be/lHQMJ-1KV00

 Many would argue that I am being extra- sensitive. But the tag line  – ‘Wish every Woman is like Aisha’ is definitely sexist that projects women as objects of lust and us men as sex maniacs. The brand is targetted at the semi-rural and rural markets and this Ad definitely wouldn’t sink in with the target customer. Yeah it would surely titillate them and probably that would win them. A typical Micromax customer is the one who believes in the ‘Missionary Position’ and doesn’t really know much about 35 New Positions that AISHA knows of.

17 Replies to “Micromax ‘AISHA’ Ad is SEXIST & DISTASTEFUL”

  1. Ravindra says:

    It took sometime or atleast 20 repititions of advt to understand micromax is selling their mobile named similar to nokia asha!!.whatever the logical explanations its AISHA instead of ASHA although both are genre different.Advt is vulgar but catches temporary attn,might evoke curiosity not DAGMAR nor even wont will fetch windfall benefits coz OS is quite old,camera 2mp,smaller non-scratchproof screen etc.Lessons to be learnt from Lava A10 condom instead of change to men flop advt.

  2. Hola says:

    no wonder population increases

  3. VK says:

    Jack, did you know Queenie Dhody made a mention of your website (without revealing the url of course) in her column in Mumbai Mirror on Sunday.

    Something on the lines of… “the fashion site which is most judgemental”

  4. Julian says:

    the ad cant be taken in any whatsoever sportive spirit. like the company, this ad shows a lack of etiquette. the axe deo ads are bloody better. at least there is no pretense about wanting to find a “homey gal” .
    ‘Wish every Woman is like Aisha’ !!! ROYAL ARSE HE’D LIKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT…. one of the many misogynist chauvinist pigs spelling out his dreams!!! what the @#$%!

  5. jack says:

    You are absolutely right Julian. An advertisement of a brand/product does reflect the mindset of the owners of the brand or the product.

  6. trauma queen says:

    First the vadge whitening cream and now this, what on earth is wrong with indian ads? There used to be a time when Indian ads were witty and funny. What’s the point of banning the television telecast of movies like the Dirty Picture – ads are doing much worse 😛

  7. anurag says:

    it’s just an AD..and one of the best 1 i have ever seen..and julian which world do u live in..accept the fact that most of the men r chauvinist. and ads like these would always come up..and will be appreciated..!

  8. Asad says:

    At least someone is there who dare say and rightly so about this ad. It targets the increasingly lust loving newgen. But the idea that sex sells and anything associated with it will, has lost its appeal by excessive use by many product categories.

  9. Srikaanth says:

    Dumbest Ad ever. It will not have any influence on the intelligent buyer.
    My blog : techterrain.blogspot.com

  10. sanjay says:

    What is name of the model in the Add….She is hot

  11. Julian says:

    @anurag– i am over-reacting, but it Is showing both the sexes in a very wrong manner. the author of this ad is a chauvanist, not the entire gender :). but you would agree it is made in a bad taste?

  12. Neha says:

    I have never seen such vulgar ad even in Developed nations like US and UK.
    even they show vulgar stuff at late night.

    Here this yuck ad is shown during day time ,IPL matches etc.

    Being modern does not mean being cheap.

  13. xman says:

    shut up u hyper freak…i dont know in which world u live in!!!…seriously dude…its just an add…there is not a single person in this world who doesn’t love sex…may be u dont like but exceptions are rejected…if the ad makes itself clear to people,then its fine…ur concern for women is appreciabe…bt multiple mating is what we all desire…so its quite cazzz…

  14. jack says:

    hey you keep your mindless argument to yourself. If we are freak then you are just another Pervert. Go ahead with your “multiple mating” and other such sick desires and will see how you react when your wife/partner does “multiple mating” too.
    By the way you seem to be the perfect customer for Micromax phones!

  15. Hemant says:

    Totally agree with you. Its a disgusting chauvinistic ad. And most Indian men are clueless about gender inequality.

  16. kalpana says:

    i totally agree with jack. i have decided not to buy that phone even if it is the best phone in the world

  17. Abhilash says:

    What d fuck is goin on here..? Micromax is just a bloody Chinese company u can’t even compare there fones wid any other mobile companies. even if there’s b grade Chinese fones

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