Well less said about Mozez Singh, the better it is. I have known Reshma Shetty professionally. She is a no non-nonsense lady who wouldn’t have fueled a rumour if it didn’t happen. On the other hand Mozez Singh, a one-time producer of a dud movie and a social butterfly has a track record of misbehaving at parties.
In the past Mozez Singh did something similar at Shahrukh Khan’s party and was thrown out from there. And just last month in Delhi at Niamat and Sanjit
Bakshi’s anniversary party, Mozez reportedly misbehaved with dozen of guests. Since it was his sister and brother-in-law’s (Niamat and Sanjit) party he wasn’t thrown out but Mozez definitely was the night’s irritant that bothered many guests.
So I have no doubt in believing that Mozez was behaving like an ‘ass’ at Anu and Sunny Dewan’s Christmas bash. I am sure he will be taken off the party guest lists soon and Mumbai definitely won’t miss a thing by his absence. Mozez’s behaviour is not fueled by alcohol but because of some other ‘shit’ and that’s when his frustration pours out.
Everyone knows how mozez just sucks up to film stars wives to get into the ‘right’ circle. meher rampal gauri bhavna etc – hes just a spoilt rich boy who has not done anything really. people hate him in delhi and other than the fickle film lot he hangs out with (most of who have ousted him as well), hes such a nobody trying to be a somebody.
mozez living off bro-in-law bakshi’s money everyone knows. his sis nimat singh is desperate to be in page 3. brainless gurl over looks her husband philandering. shes only interested in shopping and page 3.
Mozez sucks. period.
Mozes is full of crap, a lot of people will agree. Pity the ones he is around with.