Cameron Diaz & Gwyneth Paltrow Talk About ‘Pubes’ On National TV

gwyneth-paltrow-dresscameron_diazHollywood actress Cameron Diaz spoke unabashedly about pubic hair – the 70s style bush on the Graham Norton Show. She was referring to a friend’s penchant for keeping a 70s style bush down there and gave a vivid description of how the bush swayed like seaweed when the friend dipped herself in the bathtub.

Gwyneth with Ellen on TVGossip mill is speculating that Cameron is talking about Gwyneth Paltrow who said in an interview on Ellen TV that she likes it 70s style down there. She and Ellen were talking about the sheer dress at the premiere of Iron Man 3. As you know, she didn’t wear underwear. Which apparently required an emergency razor situation because, as she explained, “I work a 70s vibe, if you know what I mean”. So basically, in order to get into the dress, she needed to groom the GOOP. Here’s the video link:

Cameron+Diaz+Graham+Norton+show+Rod+StewartHere is the verbatim of Cameron Diaz talking about pubes on the Graham Norton Show:

Talking about a girlfriend…

Who is married…

“Who is obsessed with having a 70s bush”. And she loves it when it waves around in the bathtub like “seaweed”.

Apparently this friend of Cameron’s refuses to trim it so one day, all their friends grabbed her from the tub and took a pair of scissors and a comb and took care of it for her.

The video link of Cameron on Graham Norton Show is here. The section on ’70s style bush’ start at 20:30:


1 Reply to “Cameron Diaz & Gwyneth Paltrow Talk About ‘Pubes’ On National TV”

  1. gabriel says:

    hello beautiful you look so nice but wanted to tell you that I would like your pubic all clean shaved mmmmmmmmmm nicer yummier mmm

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