
Rational consumer


Submitted on 2013/07/18 at 11:50 AM

Jack – Mumbai mirror has again gone and reprinted two of your scoops in today’s edition – about the Nepotism in Bridal week and Ms mahtani!

stolen storiesMumbai Mirror has been shamelessly stealing stories from this site and doesn’t even have the basic courtesy of seeking permission or giving due credit to This is not the first time a TOI Group Publication has done it. There have been multiple stories stolen before.

5 Replies to “SHAME – SHAME!!!”

  1. vee says:

    Why can’t you just sue them? Public shaming won’t deter them from plagiarizing again.

  2. God_ShaReeF says:

    Innki maa ki chut
    Saale Khassi Jain Bandhu
    MEDIA ko RAAND banaa diya

  3. lakshmi says:

    This is very shameful. Fashionscandal is the best source of information with a true network and does not sensationalize things and is really pisses me off to see the Mirror doing this without quotation. Utter lack of professionalism. I mean I would expect this from Zoom but not the Mirror. Very disgraceful!

  4. shauna says:

    I have heard Queenie Dhody is no longer single and is now seeing Rishi Sethia neelam kothari’s ex who was marrying Gunita Sodhi in december- wonder what happened is this true??

  5. tash says:

    Gunita sodhi never accepted any marriage proposal from rishi sethia and even ended her friendship with him last year.

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