Splitsville Again – Pilot’s Co-Pilot Moves Out

sachin and sara_GLUMTrouble on home front is probably the last thing a politician wants before forthcoming state elections and the general election. Unfortunately one of our brightest young Member of Parliament and a Minister in the government, Sachin Pilot is embroiled in a domestic tiff. And the worst bit about Sachin’s wifey Sara leaving him and packing off to her dad’s house is the fact that a friend (He too hails from a political family from Madhya Pradesh.) fueled the split.

sara & farooq abdullah with sachin pilotSachin Pilot and Sara Abdullah’s love-story was fairy-tale of sorts. Sara married Sachin against her family’s wishes, which later got reconciled. So what led to Sachin-Sara split? Well, a friend (rather a snake) poisoned the wifey’s mind and that embittered the relation. Sachin was busy in a meeting at a five-star hotel in Delhi but the ‘friend’ twisted the work meeting into a scandalous rendezvous and when Sara spotted hubby’s car at the hotel, she bought the malicious story and packed her bags and moved out from her house to her dad’s.

Hope things work out for this nice couple and they should discover the true friends from snakes posing as friends.

Another suave diplomat turned politician who got married just a couple of years back is going through a topsy-turvy time on home front. His wife was infamously branded by NaMo as an expensive girlfriend. Things are not fine between the couple but the two are portraying a happy couple  picture on advise from the commander of the political party till elections get over.

5 Replies to “Splitsville Again – Pilot’s Co-Pilot Moves Out”

  1. Irene says:


  2. Lovely says:

    Great scoop!!!!! Beats those predictable Bollywood blind items any day. BTW – hope they patch it up.

  3. Mac says:

    Hmm..interesting.. Congressmen have been known to lead a spicy private life (Singhvi, NDT, Chidambaram et al)!!!

  4. King Lear says:

    @Mac.. really u mean Chidambaram!!!! he looks like he plays by the book, though not averse to making huge piles on the side…

  5. munmun says:

    the diplomat turned politician is Shashi and Sunanda tharoor

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