‘Bagwati’ Pernia Is Now Starring In A Movie

Pernia-Qureshi-BagmatiStylist cum fashion entrepreneur – Pernia Qureshi created a lot of flutter in the social circuits of Delhi and Mumbai when she was detained by the Custom Officials at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi for smuggling in 16 luxury handbags without declaring them and paying custom duty on those bags valued at Rupees Thirty Five Lacs. Pernia is a well-traveled lady and I am sure she knows the law of the land. Not to declare 16 luxury handbags to the customs is not only illegal but out-rightly foolish on her part. Guess she has picked up the notorious habit of the Tinsel Town ladies even before her movie has gone on the floor.

Muzaffar AliYes Pernia Qureshi is trying her luck in the movies now. Not a big deal if one has a super-rich daddy! Pernia will make her acting debut in a movie directed by Muzaffar Ali and produced and financed by daddy dearest – Moin Qureshi. Muzaffar Ali who had lately concentrated on his career as a designer is going to direct a movie after decades so we got to wait and watch what he comes out with. Nothing much is known about the planned film starring Pernia Qureshi but we will keep our eyes and ears open to fill-you-up on it.

6 Replies to “‘Bagwati’ Pernia Is Now Starring In A Movie”

  1. Tshah says:

    Is she crazy?? How can you think you’ll get away with 16 handbags worth so much money. Some people are just over smart and think nothing can happen to them because daddy has political connections!

  2. Fashion Konscious says:

    People like her only give India & Indians a bad name.

  3. Trish says:

    Oh well, what can we expect from someone who copies other international designers to have her own ‘designer’ line. With her money and background, anyone can be a fashionista.

  4. Kehkasha says:

    It’s so disgusting to see this moneyed people cheating on tax and duties. Worse Dom Perignon couldn’t find a better hostess than a smuggler like Pernia Qureshi to host a sit-down dinner at Leela??? She will only buy Dom from Bootleggers you dumb Gaurav Bhatia. Chose REAL personalities than these dubious kinds.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Luxury bags from Bangkok?? Has to be fakes!!! Is it possible she’s selling fakes on her site??!!!

  6. mandarin says:

    And Pernia just won a Hello Award!!!!

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