When Startup India is Chasing Funds, Rich India is Chasing Snow!

rahul munjal5rahul_pranav_suhelNo I am not envious of Rich indians living-life- king-size. Rahul Munjal (of the Hero Group) is celebrating one helluva a birthday. It started in Delhi on the 12th of January and is concluding today in Megeve on the French Alps. The concluding birthday celebration in Haute-Savoie commune in French Alps – Megeve was only for the select 50 close friends but the Delhi bash was for the masses.

rahul munjal_wife_delhirahul munjal1Rahul Munjal has reportedly spent a bomb on his birthday extravaganza, courtesy company’s ‘expense account’ where his guests like Pranav and Sheetal Ansal, Suhel Seth, Amit Arora and many-many more had a a gala time. A magnum-opus birthday bash needs a Magnum. You can see Rahul Munjal sipping out of an expensive Magnum bottle. The blondes were there in plenty. Don’t know if they were locally sourced or flown in for naughty entertainment. Birthday boy posed like a king surrounded by Euro-trash glam. This much ‘Heropanti’ is chalta hai for a Hero Group’s family member. What say you???

Amit Burman_Disco2Amit Burman1By the way Amit Burman loves disco. Never seen him dancing in India but the Dabur scion posted a video of self dressed in red jeans and  dancing with blonde-babes in a golden cage. Seems our Desi tycoons live-it-up only on foreign shores!

15 Replies to “When Startup India is Chasing Funds, Rich India is Chasing Snow!”

  1. SG says:

    The more I read your site, the more I’m glad I’m not in this income group or even in their friends list…

  2. prash says:

    india’s biggest freeloader seth is now finding richer new friends now his ex best friend mallya is broke. any one can buy seth service now just give him free holidays in foreign and he will be your best friend over night

  3. Alcie says:

    30 million? While the majority of country suffers from poverty… Why do these elite people have to be over the top? Usually, I hear about volunteering, effective altruism and helping alleviate poverty – from foreigners; not our high flying professionals who can easily afford 5% of their salary to make a difference. Oh well…thy shall not rant.

  4. etios says:

    @SG: LOL, Sour grapes are sour I guess. Hypocrisy is listening to Pravachan from the followers of a site like Fashionscandal.

  5. prash says:

    this guy looks like a fool king sitting on a throne surrounded by euro trash. the gang of fools and freeloaders should celebrate in gulmarg and boost indian economy

  6. jack says:

    Dear Etios,
    Who asked you to visit this website? What is so irritable that is making you vent your angst here to a reader’s opinion?
    If you have some issues, you should address it to me, the person who posted the story.
    It is a news about a person’s stylish birthday celebration. I don’t see anything demeaning or degrading in it. If you reacting so irritably, you got demons in your head so you get it checked-up.
    Sour grapes to us but sweet to you so you enjoy and don’t vent your frustration here. Are you the man-friday of the birthday-boy whose scrupulous mind is seeing evil in this plain and simple story? If you are, you better grow up. Your demons will expose you and bring you down.
    Take it easy and enjoy!

  7. jack says:

    My reply to Etios who vented his frustration on your comment:
    Dear Etios,
    Who asked you to visit this website? What is so irritable that is making you vent your angst here to a reader’s opinion?
    If you have some issues, you should address it to me, the person who posted the story.
    It is a news about a person’s stylish birthday celebration. I don’t see anything demeaning or degrading in it. If you reacting so irritably, you got demons in your head so you get it checked-up.
    Sour grapes to us but sweet to you so you enjoy and don’t vent your frustration here. Are you the man-friday of the birthday-boy whose scrupulous mind is seeing evil in this plain and simple story? If you are, you better grow up. Your demons will expose you and bring you down.
    Take it easy and enjoy!

  8. SG says:

    Thx. Jack! @ Etios: While anyone can have a birthday party at Megeve on the French Alps, if not to such a grand scale.. being in the very high income group seems to make people cheat on their partners, break friendships & go where money goes a lot more easily…. No one will be ‘envious’ of this… Besides the above party pics don’t look classy at all. Despite all that money spent it looks cheap & trashy.

  9. etios says:

    @Jack: It seems you are the one who has demons in his head and needs help urgently, my response was perfectly justified to SG as he/she hypocritcally reads Fashionscandal which often posts scandalous titbits and then goes on giving Pravachan about how he/she is blessed not to be in High income group or is friends with any of them. You should have replied to my post and attacked the topic instead of crassly attacking me and my mental state but now that you have started it, i should consider it a fair game.

    Now, Go and get some treatment Jack, maybe the goons who roughed you up last time have messed up your brains or maybe it is the court cases which are depleting you mentally and financially.

  10. SG says:

    @ Etios: Yawn… Stop boring everyone.

  11. SG says:

    @ Etios: Fashion Scandal reports scandalous news. Are you saying I read scandalous news on this site because I ‘like it’ & then behave like a hypocrite by saying I’m glad I’m not one among them?!!!! rofl!!! This is like saying people read about murders or terrorism in the news everyday & then when they comment saying they are glad they are not a part of it, they are actually being hypocrites & giving pravachan, because they want to be a part of it!!!! lol..

    This will be my last post to you. I’m NOT spending anymore time paying attention to what you say.

  12. jack says:

    @Etios if you feel good about me being roughed-up and financially strapped coz of legal issues, it’s cool with me.
    You happy; I am happy!
    Nothing personal.

  13. SS says:

    Jack – kyun confirmation nahi hai on the ran-lat split? My AD friend tells me they have been ‘split up’ for a while apparently… true??

  14. SS says:

    Jack! Over a year back, you had mentioned Alia & ranbir!! Turns out that might be reason they split up!

  15. namdeo says:

    jack is ran kat split becuase of ran affair with his sahani n poori…? god_hareef where are you

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