Boycott Vijay Mallya


‘Richard Branson of India’ – that is what Fraud Mallya thought of himself. Virgin stays Virgin, the King got Royally F*#ked! 

The brut arrogance of Vijay Mallya adds salt to the wounds he inflicted on his employees whom he never paid. Instead he splurges in birthday parties and buying Caribbean cricket team. I personally feel that Mallya should be humiliated and boycotted and that’s what will hit him the most. Anyway it is a big thing to expect this from his fellow industrialists but still I am hoping against hope.

For a start, Indian corporates should withdraw as ‘Associate Sponsors’ of the Royal Challengers Bangalore in forthcoming IPL season.  One should take cue from Blatter episode in FIFA. Coca-Cola, Visa, Budweiser and McDonald’s all released statement calling for Sepp Blatter to resign and it was this pressure that was the most effective one in ousting Blatter as the FIFA President. It did not take sponsors like Nike and Porsche to withdraw their contract with Maria Sharapova as soon as her drug-test failure came out

Mallya_G-StringVijay Mallya is accused of syphoning off money and is a proclaimed ‘Willful Defaulter’ of Rupees 7200 Crores of loan from banks. Besides he has run-off from India. He should be boycotted by corporates by at least pulling out as sponsors. I stopped drinking Kingfisher beer now. In IPL 2015 RCB had Principal Partner – Huawei and Associate Partners – Tata Motors, Brittania, Midea Home Appliances, TGS Real Estate, Ed Hardy and Allen Career Institute. Adidas and Fever 104 came in as Licensing Partners. These companies should pull-out and for once show Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


9 Replies to “Boycott Vijay Mallya”

  1. Real says:

    This right here is why I read your ‘gossip’ blog. Because you speak truth to power. But this attitude towards people like Mallya and Subrato is not going change until there is a mass public outcry against them. These people destroyed the financial security of thousands of people. India can never be an economic powerhouse unless economic crimes/financial criminals are treated with the social censure they deserve. Arthur Anderson of Enron fame didn’t fail because they were indicted in the US court, it failed because the American public opinion was so against them.

    Its us, the general public who has to ensure this; high society, big business, and politicians won’t.

  2. Jack, any dope on Urmila’s marriage? It’s a known fact that her hubby Mohsin Akhtar Mir is gay and very very active on the gay dating (rather sex) scene, even post marriage. This is confirmed news. He is close with Manish Malhotra, and apparently Urmila met him through Manish. It’s very unlikely that he did not know Manish is gay. I am guessing Urmila married him for money and he to get a foothold in bollywood.

  3. Andy says:

    Great one Sam…This is how we should treat such big mouth , idiots..I am sure there are enough and more who would still lick his backside but they all forget the money which banks has lost is all our hard earned money…Banks don’s have their own printing machine from which they lend..Its against deposits of people..Even the bankers are to be blamed for making everything public..Like when they said they would take firm action against Mallya..He got to know it and hence ran away…Shame on Corrupt Indian Politicians, Bankers and Businessmen…

  4. Kingfisher beer still owned by VJM… Its owned by Heineken and him…. Diaggeo took over USL… 😉

  5. Neil says:

    Hi jack

    Why not also target the banks who recklessly lent him money and the politicians who forced the banks to do so.

    Why not also boycott GVK, GMR, JP Associates, ADAG, etc. who owe equally humongous if not more sum of money to taxpayers like you and me.

    VM has just become the lightning rod. Though of course he should pay all the monies or go to jail.

  6. jack says:

    True…Let’s start with Mallya.
    JP is already selling-off companies and paying back is under process. But yes, all defaulters need to be shamed if they turn ‘Willful Defaulter’!

  7. nefarious says:

    Yeah, Mohsin even gives gay vibes. Not sure how wealthy Mohsin is. i heard long back that Urmila was lesbian. If that is true, than its a marriage of convenience for both.

  8. John McClane says:

    Jack, here is a serious question you should ask Atul Kasbekar. When it was clear as daylight that Kingfisher was going down the drain, why did he continue to work for him on that stupid calendar? The really tragic case of a Kingfisher airlines employee committing suicide should have been an eye opener for anyone associated with Mallya. But Kasbekar continued to suck up to him knowing very well that the poor employees’ dues were being denied to them. Only in India can such hypocrisy exist.

  9. jack says:

    @john we all know that Atul Kasbekar was part of the close coterie of Vijay Mallya. He brought the girls to the bankrupt “King” and Mallya always paid-up Kasbekar. He has earned well enough to turn into a film producer. Who the hell re the employees. Do u think a soul-less creep like Mallya cares whether his employees live or die? He doesn’t!

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