London Vacationers; FYI-“London Again Topped Europe’s Cocaine User List”

London-skyline-at-duskPacino_CokeParty capers have been long debating if ‘Molly’ (MDMA) is the ‘IT’ party drug or is it still the ‘Charlie’ (Cocaine). 2015 wasn’t a great year for coke-lovers – or was it? Despite this, Londoners have topped the chart of cocaine users in all of Europe for the third year in a row. And the evidence is in the water. A project testing wastewater or sewage found Londoners beat other EU cities for the third time in a row, as well as an increase in the use of MDMA.


I don’t think the folks cooling their heels in London would be complaining about the findings by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction that conducts the tests in various cities of Europe. The results of sample wastewater or sewage – concluded that the average daily concentration of cocaine was 909mg per 1,000 people in 2015. That’s a large increase from 737mg in 2014. In the weekend samples, London escalated to 1043.7mg. More than three-quarters of cities showed higher loads of BE (Benzoylecgonine) and MDMA in wastewater during the weekend (Friday to Monday).

charlieThe other cities that ranked high on cocaine users list are Amsterdam (642mg across the week as they party all week), Brussels, Antwerp and Zurich. Weirdly though as per the EU report, East European nations like Norway and Slovakia found more users of ‘Crystal Meth’. The hardcore party destination – Ibiza in Spain preferred getting high on ‘Molly’. 


berlinCocoaBut hey guess what Berlin is getting high on? Residents of the German capital have apparently chosen chocolate as their brand new drug of choice; snorting it at electronic nights across the city. Taking raw cocoa offers a high that’s an alternative to cocaine, with many clubs now offering the substance in a powdered, liquid, or pill-form.Well as of now it’s a ‘legit’ high!

I am wondering if people decide their vacation by factoring in if ‘Charlie’ would be good or ‘Molly’ would be the best way to drive way the summer blues.

2 Replies to “London Vacationers; FYI-“London Again Topped Europe’s Cocaine User List””

  1. VB says:

    Norway isn’t East Europe, it’s very much sitting on North ?

  2. sri says:

    norway is part of Scandinavian countries..

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