
Salman’s Alleged “Hit-‘n’-Run” & Aishwarya’s “Tell-All” Purely A Coincidence?

Today the thirteen-year old alleged hit-and-run case of Salman Khan will be decided in the lower court. The alleged accident that led to the death of one person and serious injuries to four more who were sleeping on the footpath in the front of American Express Bakery happened on early morning of 28th September 2002. On […]

Bidapa should know the Law of the Land

Last week Prasad Bidapa poured his heart out about his ‘gay erotica’ being leaked by whom he prefer to label as ‘Creeps’. And what should I say about Bombay Times??? They are shamelessly lifting articles from this Blog and not even giving due credit to the source. This has happened twice. Ethics don’t matter to […]


Was Lalit-Mandana secret Marriage a way to obtain Work Permit for Karimi?

Yesterday morning I read a lot of newspapers talking about the Lalit Telhan’s marriage with Manizhe (aka Mandana)  Karimi. Times of India, the largest Media House of India did not have the courtesy to give due credit to this Blog from where they lifted the story. Delhi Times and Bombay Times carried the story. HT […]

Imitation is the Best form of Flattery

A faithful reader of wrote back a flattering comment. I don’t know his/her name but thanks mate! Here’s the verbatim of Fashion Inquisitive: Fashion Inquisitive Dear Jack, Your posts are being repeatedly plagiarised by Bombay Times and Midday Mumbai. Imitation is the best form of flattery, congratulations? My heart goes out to […]