
Sugar Daddies are Prowling on Instagram Models & Vice-Versa

For the uninitiated – IG Models in today’s parlance is Instagram Models. There are thousands of attractive women in the world. No matter where you go, you will see beautiful girls. Social media has made this even easier, especially Instagram. The image sharing platform has transformed into a multi-million dollar business for those blessed with […]


Matharoo Ka Mann Dola For Big Bucks

The Indian origin Canadian twins – Jyoti and Kiran Matharoo were living the high-life and aped ‘The Kardashians’. Matharoo sisters are social media pro and Nigeria’s Instagram fueled socialites, and completely void of talent. Well, void except for one key area — reportedly having sex with and then blackmailing rich men. The Matharoo pair are now […]


Sugar Daddy Celebrated Sugar’s Birthday

Industrialist Mickey Punj a.k.a Atul Punj of Punj Lloyd has been seeing former model Vasuki Sunkavalli for a couple of years now after splitting with his long-time partner, Bindu Vadehra. It was Vasuki’s birthday the past weekend and her lover – Mickey Punj celebrated it in style with cake, champagne and much-much more. I was rather […]