2017 Pirelli Calendar unveiled

pirelli17_nicole-kidmanpirelli17_uma-thurmanpirelli2_2017pirelli1_2017The coveted ‘Cal’ – the 2017 Pirelli Calendar was unveiled by the commissioned photographer, the legendary Peter Lindbergh in Paris. 2017 Pirelli Calendar is a must -have for a Pirelli Calendar collector as each of the black & white photographs are sheer beauty. The 2017 calendar “conveys personality, sensitivity and the guts to be yourself”, explained Peter Lindbergh.He calls the calendar – ‘Emotional’ and emphasized how his aim was “not shoot a calendar about perfect bodies but to capture sensitivity and emotion, laying bare the souls of the women in the images, rendering them more naked that a nude.”

The 44th edition of ‘The Cal’ is centered around some of the most celebrated actresses of our time: Charlotte Rampling, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, Lea Seydoux, Alicia Vikander, Kate Winslet, Julianne Moore, Robin Wright, Lupita Nyong’o, Rooney Mara, Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz Helen Mirren, Zhang Ziyi and “special guest” Anastacia Ignatova. Lindbergh shot the cast over a period of four weeks in May and June of this year in five locations: New York, Berlin, London, Los Angeles and Le Touquet (North of France). 

Watch the video link of making of ‘The Cal’ here: https://youtu.be/9LRgzaeyAzg


1 Reply to “2017 Pirelli Calendar unveiled”

  1. SS says:

    Jack, no Bollywood goss in a while.. would love some of that!

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