Watch The Video of Mallika Sherawat & Antonio Banderas Dancing

Here is the video link of Antonio Banderas dancing with Mallika Sherawat at Cannes. The dance looks quiet harmless to me until Mallika who started off doing a typical Bollywood ‘Cabaret’ number turned around and pushed her butt close to Banderascrotch for a raunchy Bum Grind. Poor guy…he didn’t make the first move…

Here is the link:

2 Replies to “Watch The Video of Mallika Sherawat & Antonio Banderas Dancing”

  1. Ravi says:

    Have also heard about cracks in the relationship of Banderas & his wife Melanie because of our bollywood desi Malika.

    As there are also reports of Melanie shopping without the wedding ring.

    It can be “just another rumors” or propagate by Malika camp to be in focus.

    Let’s just watch, till then we hope all cracks are healed between the couple at the earliest.

  2. jammy says:

    der was small time indian model at the same party with 3 girls at the same time. he got caught in a bedroom by one girls father. can’t find link online anymore

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