‘Golden Gal’ – Manika Batra

Manika Batra inspired India to a historic gold medal with her stunning singles victories, fashioning an unthinkable 3-1 victory over four-time gold medallists Singapore in the final of the women’s team event at the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast. Congratulations to all the Golen girls and boys doing us proud at Gold Coast!

The future seems to be great for Manika Batra not only in Table Tennis but to bag many lucrative endorsement deals. Talent Managers and Brand Managers have their eye on this pretty and lissome Delhi girl, who would make a great model.

Attention hasn’t been new for Manika Batra. She had been receiving modelling offers as early as when she was 16-years-old. In an interview to a Daily she expressed her desire for Bollywood post-retirement. This is what she said“I have received offers for modelling. I love dancing as well, but I want to focus on table tennis and do something good for India. However, after table tennis, I hope to become Bollywood actor.” She features in ‘Top 10 Hottest Table Tennis Players in the World’, published by Sports Flu and also bagged a National Daily’s ‘Style Award’.

Way to go gal. Rake in the moolah!

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