CoroNA Pyaar NOW DUDE!

Pukhraj Bhalla, the actor cum singer and Pollywood’s heart-throb released his latest single – Countless a week back. Here’s it:

Dude what a time to release a romantic video when Countless COVID-19 Virus are itching to sneak in to your body. WHO is screaming about ‘Social Distancing’. First they said stay a metre away but now they are suggesting to stay 6-metres away from another human being while you Pukhraj is schmoozing this hot babe in your video and there is barely a gap of six-inches between you two when you are serenading each other in the streets of London.

London is one of the most dangerous Corona Adda. The Prince got infected and later even the Prime Minister and what are you doing Pukhraj Bhalla??? Romancing and that too without even a face mask. 

Though I must say that the song Countless is easy on the ears and is romantic and the video is full stylish with jazzy cars and all. Wouldn’t the listeners catch the love bug and feel like getting cozy??? Here the husbands and wives are forget sharing the bed, are not even sharing the bedroom. Imagine the heartburn your song is causing to people dying for a jhappi.

Anyway, since everyone is locked -up probably it makes marketing sense to release the video as people are killing time watching movies and songs. Countless has already clocked 13million plus. Way-to-go dude!

8 Replies to “CoroNA Pyaar NOW DUDE!”

  1. kavi says:

    Hey Jack

    Havent heard from you in a while. Hope you’re keeping safe in these Corona times and all the legal issues worked out for you.

    Stay safe!

  2. gossip-diva says:

    Got any more Delhi Gossip Jack? On the telecom twins? That family that makes sports equipment? Nayars, Guptas, Soods, Bakshi?

  3. jack says:

    Hi commented on telecom twins already.
    Sports equipment??? Nayars I thought export shoe-uppers…I maybe ill-informed.

  4. Shreywrey says:

    Chandni And Sahil Nayar- newly wed. I hear issues because of interfering in-laws?

    I have always wondered, how have Shivan and Naresh managed to stay relevant and support their lifestyle. They are nowhere near as popular or mainstream as say someone like Manish Malhotra or Masaba and yet they have a stores in Emporio and seem to be at every Delhi party with Prashant Sood, Varun Jain, Pernia Quereshi etc

    Also, how about Kalyani Saha, she made good amount selling of Lulu and Sky but her most recent Venture: Rezon silverware seems to be down in the dumps.

    And what’s with these south delhi “artists” Radhika gupta, that militant vegan Sanam bakshi, I’ve seen the art pieces they’ve managed to put up on Sotheby’s for sale, absolutely atrocious!

  5. Kavi says:

    Jack what’s up with Anandjit Singh- used to be another regular on the Delhi party scene but recently I’ve heard he’s more or less moved to Italy and has been staying there despite the pandemic- how come?!

    Got anything on a Karan Chadha and Nitin Mayor and family?

  6. jack says:

    Shivan & Naresh have invested in contacts and well networked!

  7. Sandy says:

    Hi Jack, hope the lockdown is doing you well! Whatever happened to that desperate Dipti Sandesara who NZ oils be seen latching into every Bollywood celeb she could find?

    Natasha Poonawala- she too seems to want to be a regular in the KJO gang, for anything on her?

  8. jack says:

    Natasha Poonawala doesn’t need KJO…It may be the other way…

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