

ANTILLA, the 400,000 square feet Altamount Road residence of Mukesh Ambani is now a ghost-house that only houses the skeleton staff. Mukesh Ambani and his wife, Nita, son and daughter-in-law, Akash and Shloka have now made their Jaamnagar bungalow their house. Sources say that the move was made post the bomb-scare allegedly conspired by jailed […]


Annabel’s Richard Caring is Hardly Caring

At these tough times of Covid-19 philanthropy comes naturally to big-hearted moguls unlike the London’s hospitality mogul Richard Caring who has pledged to feed thousands of NHS workers and the critically vulnerable by opening up the kitchens of his restaurants – including the world-famous Ivy and private members’ club Annabel’s. Richard Caring opened a foundation […]


CoroNA Pyaar NOW DUDE!

Pukhraj Bhalla, the actor cum singer and Pollywood’s heart-throb released his latest single – Countless a week back. Here’s it: https://youtu.be/ntqRC0K4WZA Dude what a time to release a romantic video when Countless COVID-19 Virus are itching to sneak in to your body. WHO is screaming about ‘Social Distancing’. First they said stay a metre away but now […]


Delhi’s NEW Instagram Socialites

All hail the INSTAGRAM as it hands the supreme power to the fashionistas and the ‘lunching ladies’ to catalogue their new ‘conquests’, the new addition to their ever fattening wardrobe (By the way, have you heard of “Wardrobe Detox”?), the ‘IT’ restaurants they’ve been to, the exotic locales they’ve just been back from and yes, the who’s-who […]


London To Exhibit ‘Vulgar Fashion’

Coming week – from the 13th of October 2016 till the 5th f February 2017, the Barbican Centre will open an exhibition that will question the very nature of bad taste. According to the gallery, The Vulgar: Fashion Redefined will be “revealing in its excesses” and “inviting the visitor to think again about exactly what makes something vulgar and […]


Bolt’s Wild Partying Irked His GF, Kasi Bennett

Jamaican athlete – Usain Bolt’s wild partying ways eventually irked his long-time pregnant girlfriend, Kasi Bennett. Miss Bennett “liked” a meme posted on Instagram that showed her pictured side-by-side with Jadyr Duarte with the caption: ”When you girl is Selfridges, and you cheat on her with Primark.” Brazilian student Jady Duarte, 20, shared pictures of herself apparently […]


‘Black Magic Woman’ – Anu Mahtani Hinduja???

Yesterday a ‘Reader’ commented:She’s (Anu Mahtani Hinduja) pregnant! So I guess the black magic worked! Lol               I was forwarded a link by a fashionscandal.com reader: Jaya Submitted on 2016/03/30 at 3:11 AM Just search for Anu Mahtani ripoffreport and see the entry there. Black magic apparently I got to agree […]


‘Bobby Darling’ Designer Is Back With Her ‘Friends’.

‘Bobby Darling’ Designer a.k.a Anjalee Kapoor is back with her group of best friends and gone vitriolic over the news about her London store that I posted here: http://wp.me/p1C8a1-uft The ‘friends hang out at Ricks at The Taj Mahal Hotel in Delhi and get into high spirits. They are very upset that somebody wrote about the London […]