Front-Row ‘Ass Space’ Proportionate To ‘Column-Centimetre Space’

Folks the Front-Row hullabaloo is nowadays only at the Media Section. Dolly Aunties are giving fashion weeks a miss so I rarely spot a cat-fight for a front-row seat these days.

Media Section front-row is getting busier by the season. So few of us came with a solution that I think I should propose to the organisors. Each publication should be accorded front-row ‘Ass Space’ in direct proportion to the volume of editorial coverage (Paid Editorial aka Medianet not to be considered.), which is in trade-lingo measured in ‘Column-centimetre Space’ provided at the previous fashion week. I think it is a fair thing to do. Waddyyya Say??? I am planning to measure the ‘Ass Space’ with help volunteered by few and put it up here. Big asses are squeezing skinny asses to utter discomfort. By the way, I am not advocating a regimental ass-size for a fashion scribe. Please don’t get me wrong.

(Photographs are only for representation purpose.)

Not much goss from the on-going fashion week except that a big designer didn’t let in a prominent Mumbai socialite cum designer at his ultra-exclusive post-show bash. Not fair! I also saw how Tihar creates strong bonding amongst inmates. Two 2G scam accused were there at the fashion week at one accused’s wife’s show and their bonding was so heartening to see. Finally I am still confused what made a designer go for a faded Bollywood star known for his hideous fashion sensibilities as her show-stopper…

1 Reply to “Front-Row ‘Ass Space’ Proportionate To ‘Column-Centimetre Space’”

  1. Nimerta says:

    I see the idea is being implemented. Way to goo!

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