With Love From Afghanistan Mickey???

Splitsville... yet again! High-Flying industrialist Atul Punj, better known as Mickey Punj of Punj Lloyd and his long time companion Bindu Vadera are no longer a Couple. Guess people run out of love and that seems to have happened between Mickey and Bindu.

Now Mickey Punj is spotted with a pretty woman who most likely is from Afghanistan. Couldn’t get her name though.

Hope this one is for keeps Mickey. And Bindu I heard is trying to be happy with her present single status!

9 Replies to “With Love From Afghanistan Mickey???”

  1. VK says:

    Never met with Atul Punj, but interacted with Bindu Vadera at her beautiful home accessories store Varya Design Studio which was earlier at Janpath. Felt Bindu and her daughter were both very nice, graceful and extremely well-bred. Very very unlike most Delhi/ Mumbai socialites!

  2. justcurious says:

    Mr Jack – Is their any biological difference between a normal man and a gay man or is this purely psychological disorder that can be cured by personality or identity management? Baba Ramdev claims to cure homosexuality – do u think that is possible?

  3. justcurious says:

    Yeah this is not related to the post. Dont know where to ask and dont know who to ask such a question – so – hope u dont mind.

  4. jack says:

    Ramdev can’t cure homosexuality.
    In fact homosexuality is not a disease!

  5. justcurious says:

    Mr. Jack – Not debating what is right or wrong..just seeking clarification..seems u would know…. If it is not a disease, does it imply that there is no “physical” or “biological” difference between a straight versus gay? And if so, does it not mean that it is only a psychological thing and it is the environment that pampers it or suppresses it? Does that explain why someone who is gay or has less inclination for female companionship still gets married to a woman, has kids and lives a normal family life?

  6. BlackRose says:

    The other night he was at Maurya with the “girl” apparently…..some tall good looking chick…..but didn’t look like from Afghanistan though…..

  7. LuvT says:

    Mickey is quite a player… he is amazing with woman

  8. sah.a says:

    Mickey was recently seen at an up-scale london restaurant with a French model-actress along with his son Shiv who was sitting separately with his friends. agree with blackrose very good looking women always around him and his son.

  9. T-man says:

    mickey is dating vasuki sunkavalli

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