Backstabbing Muah-Muah Friends

( is in possession of the ‘Anonymous’ slanderous letters mentioned below.)

Delhi’s so-called high-society can be real bitchy and very nasty. Recently the hi-soc schmoozers got the taste of it! All that fake Muah-Muah, My dearest daahling and Bro bullshit flew out of the window and true colours were revealed.

The latest trend to bitch about somebody who you hate passionately but on the face you are all sugar and honey is by sending out anonymous typed-out letters with nasty content via Snail-Mail to all and sundry amongst the so-called high-society. Few weeks back one such letter went out to say 500 people that literally raped the scion of a top computer software/accessories company. The letter was vicious to the core and the details were so intimate that it had to be the handiwork of somebody close. The letter was sent out to all those people who know the guy and his family and overnight sullied his image.

Last week another anonymous letter went to all and sundry so-called high-society schmoozers exposing a Page 3 obsessed socialite who is the unofficial ambassadress of Herve Leger of her illicit affair. This letter too seemed like the handiwork of someone from their gang but compared to the other letter, this one had an attachment of phone records that showed the socialite making an average of 20 calls everyday. Gawd…that’s some really pissed-off person’s work. Or who else would take the effort of obtaining call records. Must be a ditched lover of the socialite. This gossip is now keeping the city’s chatteratti busy and they are all loving it.

No more anonymous e-mails. People know that it can be traced back. So Snail-Mail or the good old Indian Postal System is the choicest medium now to slander or backstab your air-kissing buddies!

10 Replies to “Backstabbing Muah-Muah Friends”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tashu- The second story 🙂

  2. Tanya says:

    The blind-items need more hints!

  3. abouttheworld says:

    Obviously, only someone with vested interest and an unstable hore/pimp from whom he was trying to wriggle out would do such maligning – how can we name them as Muah Muah friends??? However the scion is to blame. He shud have confided in people who mattered namely his wife and family and have them trash such filth with vehemence and together pre-empt doing a reverse campaign to make such hores defensive. Instead he hid the facts from his family and passively continued to wait for the mercies of hores and pimps and let them act first putting himself in the defensive instead of attacking them! There is a systematic campaign in Bollywood ongoing– drawing young, scions into filmy parties -wine, women and drugs and then capturing their mistakes, blackmailing or maligning them if things don’t go their way. Not for nothing we had the saying – “Kajal ki kothri mein kitna hi jatan karo kajal ka daag bhaye lage hi lage lage!”!!

  4. Realadvice says:

    Jo dar gaya, so mar gaya…committed some mistakes….then confide in wife/family and launch a joint offensive instead of wishing it will go away by dodging and giving such creeps some sadistic pleasure of repeating the same.

  5. Dinesh says:

    Tanisha was also earlier calling up another friend of Robbie, 20 times a day. His wife Pallavi was really upset.

  6. Sunandan says:

    What about Tanisha Mohan and Avneesh Sood??? Whole of Delhi knows about it. Infact that is what caused the split between Tithi and Avneesh.
    She will never change and believe you me, it doesn’t come as a shock to us who know her…

  7. sundancekid says:

    man the first one is ratul puri of the moser baer fame….the second our tashu aunty ofcourse….man how can these celebrities (so called)….pull it off…man her hubby is a dear wonder what must be going on his mind… thats a mind job

  8. Nicole says:

    Tanisha Mohan is an ugly blot on the Delhi Society. What’s her claim to fame besides all this nasty controversies.

  9. Harry says:

    What should i say about this , while its nothing new I would like to highlight this to all the people who interact with the couple (Robbie n Tanisha) personally or professionaly.
    Tanisha has a fantasy for M n M’s which is Men for Money . if tomorrow there is a business tycoon who is a female surely she will surely become a lesbo, because her husband is not capable to seduce a woman .
    Robbie has always been aware of the scandals and he has been a complete party to this.The couple just wants to gather funds and very soon they will open there own company named Ransom n Teaser company (RT ) .
    Half of the delhi society does not know that she had a very stong affair with a guy who owns a vehical company and destroyed their family life.
    She is a sadist and all her friends should boycott the couple . she has not left any one from Middle age men to young boys everyone has paid her heavy amounts for her pothole.

  10. JT says:

    There is no doubt that Tanisha has been like this all throughout her life …. Cannot blame the poor man … Whosoever

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