Suzanne Khan’s Denial Doesn’t Cut Ice With Mehr Rampal

arjun_rampal_with_wife_mehr_jesia_20101230_1130405957Alison-KanugaThe passionate and sugar-coated denial that Suzanne Khan sent out to media post Bombay Times came out with a fresh story of Arjun Rampal and Suzanne’s romantic link-up is not bought by anybody, definitely not by Mehr Rampal. 

Mehr Rampal’s decades old friend, Alison Kanuga is privy to Arjun Rampal and Suzanne Roshan’s romantic affair and she is not the kind to keep it hidden from her friend. Alison confronted Arjun Rampal who shat bricks. Things are definitely not right between Mehr and Arjun Rampal and the Suzanne Khan angle is not just hot air. Suzanne’s press release denying any link-up with Arjun Rampal was a desperate attempt on her part as Rampals’ friends know it all. Alison Kanuga and Mehr modeled together in their hey days. Today Alison is a known choreographer and she knows Suzanne equally well but Mehr is her good friend.

By the way…Bombay Tabloid, Mid-Day shamelessly copied my previous story on Sandeep Khosla and Arpita Khan’s fracas. They published the story three days later than broke it. We request Sachin Kalbag, editor-in-chief of Mid-Day to take note of such shameless plagiarism by his editorial team.

13 Replies to “Suzanne Khan’s Denial Doesn’t Cut Ice With Mehr Rampal”

  1. You’re the best Jack.. Every other tabloid can go take a hike!

  2. Lovely says:

    Didn’t they give a joint interview a couple of months ago talking about how hunky dory their friendship is? Its all very strange.

  3. Colossial says:

    Suzanne and Arjun Rampal’s affair is really old. It started when Suzy managed to know about Hrithik’s affairs with co stars. She is now just worried about her reputation of her interior company. I still wonder why Mehr is still living this man who really does not care for her.

  4. Loveleen says:

    Seriously…Suzanne left Duggu for Arjun Rampal….same Arjun who was doing hanky panky with male fashion designer and then all of sudden changed the sides and married Mehr…I always thought that those were rumours but recently seeing Mehr absent from the Suzanne girly gang it seems there was something cooking. So sad…I always admired Suzanne Hritik but still surprised by Suzanne’s choice of man

  5. jack says:

    If all is hunky-dory then why is Arjun Rampal living in Grand Hyatt hotel for the past two months on the pretext of reading a script and going through narrations? Even a stickler like Aamir Khan does not spend two months in solitary reading scripts…

  6. Jaxx says:

    I don’t get it jack, please explain this whole Bollywood thing. On one side it looks like everyone sleeps around with everyone and on the other side marriages break apart for affairs? Are Bollywood star wives expecting fidelity? What’s crossing a line in Bollywood? Please post my question.

  7. Lovely says:

    Wow. So they are unofficially separated. U’ve outscooped em all again. Muchos Respect!

  8. Neha says:

    i agree with Jaxx.,.what exactly is the nail in the coffin for BW marriages. Also, i saw mehr at Suzannes store launch recently.. whats going on?

  9. shilpa says:

    wow….good job Jack(once again)!!

    I have a question though. If everybody sleeps with (almost) everybody, how come they don’t get STD type diseases. how can they be healthy?

  10. rosy says:

    hi Jack
    i wanna ask about the Hrithik-katrina link-up/ Hrithik-Deepika smooch…are these rumors true? is he dating someone right now? please answer, thank you

  11. Irene says:

    u know wat….whether bollywood or hollywood…when it comes to the richie-rich…the final nail in thr coffin for breakups are when the news of the affairs/flings of their partners become public…as in common knowledge…to us..then they have no choice but have to leave their maintain their fake respect…self esteem…but even that is also becomin a rarity nowadays…we have seen in case the british wags..even victoria beckham….at the end..its money is everything…

  12. Irene says:

    sometimes obsession with a new sex buddy…also causes these so called splits…

  13. hoodie baba says:

    yeah, even i wanna know about HR / Deepika… is this why Ranveer was staying in a hotel?

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