We have often seen the eight supercars in the garage of the Ambanis’ and a Ferrari SF90 Stradale holds a place of pride in it. On the wee hours of October 22nd, the Ferrari was found banged-up on the Bandra-Worli Sea-link  but surprisingly no media house has covered or followed this case extensively. As per a few tweets, it looks like that the media is deliberately not picking up this story. What could be even worse is sheer influence of the prominent businessman over the media. We don’t know if there was anyone injured in this crash. Also, we’re not aware if there was any damage caused to any other parties.

Here are some videos that make it evidently clear why when supercars belonging to super-rich meets with an accident, everybody overlooks. Remember the Aston Martin accident on the Peddar Road???


  1. Ali says:

    hi jack love your blog,
    any news on Delhi circles…
    Mandira Kapur hasn’t seem to mentioned the hubby in a long long time
    pallavi singh Rathore is now dalamal; was Mr. R afflicted with a roving eye?

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