Caring Foundation Fed 1000s

The Caring Foundation run by Richard and Patricia Caring has managed to feed few needy people in these dark days. As per their websiite they have fed only 10,000 homeless, old and needy people. With Annabel’s 4 kitchens, they have managed to deliver 7000 meals only this week and targetting for 10,000 meals soon. In here ordinary people are feeding millions every week with no hype, no hoopla, no donations and with no PR. Still kudos to ‘The Caring Foundation’. Hope your efforts will be recognised by the Royalty and Knighthood be bestowed upon you.

Richard Caring was being challenged by Annabel’s estranged patron, William Rogers, a.k.a William Belgravia (who allegedly lost his membership for selling his table at Annabel’s for profit) for a handsome donation to his fund if he coloured his hair. But that irked Carings so much that they shut-him-up on posting the challenges on his Instagram account and Welliam seems meekly backed off. Battle seems to have fizzled off.

Another fiesty Caring loyalist, Loujain Adada Juffali who recovered from Corona around a month back when she was detected with the virus on her return to Beirut from London (as per Al Khaleej Today) took the hair-colouring challenge thrown on Richard and it being reported here very personally and went about town slandering your’s truly. If it calms her nerves, let her be happy. Well I did expect such loyalty from Loujain who had her grand birthday bash hosted at Annabel paid for by some guys with very deep pockets. She has to take their side. Else no more ‘Moolah Rouge; no more high-life!

But guys – Philanthropy for PR simply stinks!

7 Replies to “Caring Foundation Fed 1000s”

  1. Bubba says:

    This was not very well written but good to see you back and hope you will post more frequently.

  2. shreywrey says:

    Jack, got any goss on Padmanabh Singh- seems to love partying

  3. nefarious says:

    Jack can u do a post on Sushants suicide? Was it murder or depression that killed him?

  4. Anya says:

    When are you going to write bollywood gossip again?

  5. Alcie says:

    Agree with Nefarious – please write something on Sushant’s alleged suicide. His death seems very fishy. Who are these bollywood mafia?!
    Hope you are keeping well during this corona madness.

  6. Sang says:

    Nefarious, hey I asked the same thing, jack has not replied. Hope he is fine.

  7. Kala says:

    Hi, looking for the founder and editor of the website. Tried looking for it in the about us page. I have a lead for a story. Please, get in touch

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